Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Wall Hanging
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I have a confession to make. When I found out the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was coming to San Francisco, I teared up. I had briefly toyed with planning a London or New York trip to see it with Max, because I wanted to see it before he got “too cool” for the magic, and I didn't want to wait until he came back around again when he's older.
As it is now, we have tickets to see it the first weekend in December, and I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to survive until then! While I focus on other things so that I don't completely freak out in the months leading up to it, I'll just have to console myself with crafts and other geekery.
Enter this wall hanging. It's super simple to make, and you'll spend more time waiting for the paint to dry than anything else!
Cursed Child Wall Hanging
Cursed Child Wall Hanging Supplies
- Bird nest
- Black spray paint
- Black feather wings (Small)
- Small child artwork (You could use a photo of your own child, too!)
Cursed Child Wall Hanging Assembly
This comes together really quickly once you have all the pieces!
Spray paint the wreath, being sure to get it from all sides so you don't see any of the original color.
Once the paint dries, you can attach it to the wings. It's super easy, because the nest comes with floral wire embedded into it, so you can easily wrap that wire around the middle of the wings to hold it down.
You'll want to bend the wings upward to get more of the shape of the original logo.
For the child, I used my Glowforge laser to engrave the image. You could just as easily print it out and decoupage it onto a piece of stiffer material; the Cricut Maker will cut balsa wood, or you could even use chipboard instead. It doesn't need to bear a whole lot of weight, you just want it to stay upright.
Tuck the child into the nest, and you're done! Seriously, it's that easy. I told you you'd spend more time waiting for paint to dry!
If you haven't read the Cursed Child book yet, I highly recommend it! I've heard mixed thoughts on reading it before you see the play, or letting everything be a surprise, like with musicals, I like knowing the general story before I see a play, because it makes it easier for my brain to just get swept up in the story.
Looking for more Harry Potter projects?
Want to save $500 on a Glowforge?
Use my Glowforge referral link to save up to $500 on your Glowforge! $100 off Basic, $250 off Plus, or $500 off Pro! Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about it, I'm always happy to answer them! Check out this post to see 143 things you can make on a Glowforge.