The Last of the Birthday Goodness

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OK, just a few more pictures and then we'll move fully into Max's second year!

Jamie and I spent quite a bit of time discussing what to get Max for his first birthday from us… he's got more clothes than Paris Hilton, more toys than FAO Schwartz… we wanted to get something that would last for some time… what better than a red wagon?!?! Jamie spent many hours building wagons for customers at Palo Alto Toy & Sport as a kid, so it seemed like the perfect idea!
We were a little disappointed when the shipping delayed the delivery until after his party, but we got over it!

Think he likes it? He didn't even wait for it to get built before climbin' on in!

He was eventually willing to wait patiently while Daddy did some building, but he decided my camera was the next best toy!

The reward for his patience? A wagon trip to the taqueria for dinner for us! A lovely little maiden voyage for our new vehicle!

I didn't get a chance to take pictures of Max and his gift from Katie (and Family) so here it is! While the ride-on is *technically* a hand-me-down, it's been pimped out for Max, and is even came with accessories! A cool custom paint job (with flames!) and some fuzzy dice is all a guy needs to hit the road in style! (Well that, and a couple more inches so his feet reach the ground!) The t-shirt is cute too, but what isn't pictured is the chunk of flame and skull adorned fabric we got so that I can make him a ‘do rag to go with the whole ensemble! LOL A very sweet, very creative gift from Auntie Katie et al, and we can't wait until Max is big enough to actually *ride* it!

We have a pseudo-tradition in our family of an official “birthday shirt” My mom started it when I was born. She had a shirt made, that said “Birthday Girl” and the plan was to take a picture wearing the shirt every year on my birthday… she failed to plan a bit, and I outgrew the shirt by the time I was about 12, but the idea lived on! I actually had this shirt made for Katie's baby shower, before we knew if Faith would be a boy or a girl… once she arrived, Katie wanted a more gender specific shirt, so this one, with it's generic “It's my Birthday” sentiment was regifted to Max at our baby shower! He's got a *little* room to grow, dontcha think?

And a few random bonus pictures, just because they're cute!

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