How am I doing on “the year of DO”?
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I set my word for the year, back in January, when I named 2015 as While it's been a bit of a challenge in some ways, it's also been a good reminder for me to do things that I might not have otherwise. It helps having Jamie there to encourage me, of course, but it's always there, in the back of my mind. So how's it going, here at mid-April? The single biggest thing so far was my trip to Utah with NASA and OrbitalATK. It was an extraordinary experience; in the course of a short 48 hour visit, I saw how rocket fuel is made, saw said rocket fuel fired off, met 4 astronauts, and scores of new social media friends. It was incredible, and I owe it to Jamie for first encouraging me to even apply. “Do it,” he said. “Isn't this your year of doing?”
There are things that I am doing this year that are actually out of my control; for the first time, I was invited to Disney's Social Media Moms Celebration, which has been a sort of bucket list item of mine for some time. Even just being invited is a huge honor, and while it might be insane to jump on board for a family trip to Disney World with about 2 months' notice, we're jumping and going and OMG, I can't wait! (We haven't told Max yet; we're telling him on Friday, his birthday, so expect a video of the reveal next week!) As an added bonus, it's *my* first trip to Disney World too, so I can barely contain my excitement!
In case you don't know, my birthday is July 4. One of the busiest camping weekends in the country, and we've never done it… we usually plan camping trips at the last minute, so booking for a holiday weekend is basically impossible. This year, though, with my birthday being on a Saturday, we managed to snag a few camping spots with some friends, so we'll spend the weekend camping on the beach with some of our nearest and dearest. If you're unfamiliar, state parks in California open their reservations six months in advance; popular parks, and popular weekends, can book up in MINUTES. I was online right at 8am when the reservations opened on January 3rd, and still only got our second choice park. Seriously.
And speaking of brithday's, Jamie's got a big one coming up this summer as well. It's not my place to say exactly how old he's turning, but you can probably guess. 😉 Because it's a big birthday, I'd been saving some money so we could do something really awesome. Well, the awesome thing is a cruise to Alaska! It's Max's and Jamie's first cruise, and only my second, so we're all really looking forward to it. It's also pretty cool that we'll see both Florida and Alaska in the same year!
And that's my year of doing update so far! There are little things, too… We finally got a big garbage pickup scheduled so a bunch of stuff got hauled away, I actually paid my car registration the day it came in instead of waiting until the last week before it expires. We paid off our last credit card (Woo hoo!) and are working on finding a weekend to book a spot at a local flea market to really clear stuff out of the garage and guest room. Whew!
Did you choose a word for the year? Are you still trying to apply it to your daily life?
Kick ass, Lizz! So proud of you – that’s a lot of doing even for just April (although I suppose technically, it includes through the end of summer)! You inspire me. 🙂