The Lizz Update

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OK, so here it is.
As of yesterday afternoon, I'm back on dialysis.
My transplanted kidney is no longer functioning at a level to sustain me, so I'm back on the machine.
I just got home from a 4 day stay in the Kaiser ICU (they always seem to overreact with the ICU thing!)
I got a phone call on Friday afternoon that I needed a blood transfusion; my hematocrit and iron levels were dangerously low… I put it off, in my usual fashion, until Sunday morning, when I just couldn't deal any more.
Cynthia came over and kept Max, and Jamie took me to the ER in Fremont to get the transfusion.
Of course, nothing is ever as simple as just that, and it was decided, in rather short order, that I needed to be admitted to start6 dialysis ASAP.
I was transferred via ambulance to Kaiser in Hayward, where I had a subclavial perma-cath placed and dialysis began.
(For those who were around at the beginning of my saga, it's the tubes hanging out of my neck near my collarbone)
I will be dialyzing three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, from 5 to 8 pm in Walnut Creek for the next few months… I am going to switch back to PD (peritoneal dialsysis that I can do at home) just as soon as I can, but there is a surgery that needs to happen first, so in the meantime, I'm stuck in the clinic.

So that's all the news for now… I WILL be getting back on the transplant list soon, but it's still a 5-7 year wait.
I WILL be having volunteers tested to donate, if you're willing. I'm not asking, but I will take you up on your offer, should you feel compelled to make it.

To preemptively asnwer a couple of questions; yes, it's true… we had hoped the kidney from my mom would last longer than four years… it didn't. Yes, my (new) kidney failure was exacerbated by my pregnancy and pre-eclampsia. No, we don't regret doing the transplant when we did. Jamie and I got four amazing years… we bought our house and remodeled the kitchen, took roadtrips, got married, went to Europe and had a baby. Nope, I don't think I could ever say I regret getting the transplant when I did.

Anyway, that's all there is for now… as always, your thoughts and prayers are welcomed!

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  1. I am so glad you finally updated! I have been thinking of you and praying for you, Jamie and Max!

    We will continue to pray, and you know if you need anything that I might be able to help you with, all you have to do is ask!

    Love to you and your beautiful family! Cheers to no regrets!

  2. I’m really sorry to hear this. I hope your back on “the machine” as soon as possible. My previous offer still stands though I’m AB+ and I’m not sure we’re a match….


  3. I’m sorry to hear you are going through this again Lizz. I’ll be sending positive thoughts your way.


  4. Derby!! I had so hoped that your kidney would last a really long time! I don't know if this is good news or bad news to hear for you right now, but a good friend's first kidney lasted her seventeen years. She is now on her second and obviously, hoping for another long run with her husband's kidney. I only pass that on to offer any optimism I can. Ya know, its interesting that I came to your blog tonight. I went looking for you online tonight, ended up at 2peas, since I know you are there, and then got to your blog and read your post. I guess little bells were ringing to get back in touch with you and see how you and your family are doing! BTW, your little one is ADORABLE!!!!!!
    :> Karen/Gizmo

  5. I’m sorry you’re going through this Lizz. and I hope you find a kidney soon.

    Are you allowed visitors in the clinic? I wouldn’t mind stopping in once and a while to visit, since I live just down the street.

  6. I wish I could be there to lend you support… but you (and Jamie and Max) are in my prayers here in China. I know you’ll get through this — after all, if you can put up with Jamie, you can do anything.

    Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.

  7. Lizz,

    E-mail me. How do you get tested for organ donation? I would love to at least be tested and find out if I can help, if not help you! I’ll will check out any information you give!


  8. I am very sorry to hear that, I do hope and pray that a new kidney will be found in the fastest possible way!

    Many hugs and prayers for you and your family, keep your chin up!


  9. Just a note to share a positive story with you. My mom was the recipient of a cadaveric donor kidney in 1990 – 18years ago. She was on dialysis for only about 18 months before she was matched with the kidney.

    Since her transplant she has overcome colon cancer, heart attack and other medical conditions. She will celebrate her 70th birthday in April.

    You’ll be in my thoughts! Many wishes for a quick match and successful transplant.

  10. I’m so sorry to hear about this Lizz. You are in my prayers. I wish I could be closer to give you a hug.

    Laurie R.

  11. Lizz –

    I know that I haven’t seen you and Jamie in far, far to long – years to be exact. But…that is beside the point….I am echoing so many other folks in that I am truly, and from a very, very deep place so sorry to hear about situation with your health that you are going through. I am so sad to hear this news. I know it doesn’t really help at all in regards to anything – but I am sending you, Jamie, and little baby Max a boat load of love, support, and thoughts your way.

    Much love to you sweetie….
    Julie Paige Patnaude

  12. Oh Lizz…I am so sorry. I don’t even know you but from one mom to another I am so sad that you have to go thru this again.

    Your outlook sounds so upbeat and I hope and pray that you find another kidney ASAP.

    Keep the focus on Max and I am sure that the treatments will be more bearable.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. Oh…I’m so sad to hear this! I will pray for you, and your family. I’m so glad you have no regrets. Max is growing so much, just look at that adorable face!

  14. Lizz,

    You are such an amazing woman!! I knew it the first time I took care of Max and had the pleasure of getting to know you and Jaime (& your mom, Katie etc,,,) You are surrounded by so much love and support. Hang in there! I know it will work out. You still have many more stories to share with me!

    Take care,


  15. Lizz, we are so sorry to hear what you’re going through again. Jamie and Le Grand Max will help you get through everything! We’re thinking of you and sending love and hopes for a new kidney.
    Sarah and Gary

  16. Lizz: Wow. What a rollercoaster you continue to live! You and your family will be in our prayers. I will specifically be praying that a long-term solution comes sooner than later.

  17. Lizz,

    Sending you big “get better” hugs. So sorry that you are dealing with so much. Prayers to you and your entire family.

    Lisa (aka FLA SummerBaby on Peas)

  18. Lizz, you and your family are in my thoughts. I am so saddened you have to go through this all again. I have nothing I feel I can say just that you are so special and a kidney will come for you very soon.

  19. Oh Lizz, I am so sorry to hear this. I am glad that you had the four years with your donated kidney and I hope you find another soon. I am thinking good thoughts for you! (((hugs)))

  20. Hang in there…some positive vibes coming your way….here’s hoping something happens sooner than 5-7 years……

  21. Praying for you Liz! And I am am feeling so stupid for ever being overwelmed with my problems. God bless you and your sweet family. Julie (2peafaithful)

  22. Lizz, you and your sweet family are def. in my thoughts and prayers. You will fight this thing and you WILL find a donor!! Biggest HUGS to you!!

  23. I pray that you’ll be on the at-home dialysis ASAP and that you’ll find a new kidney even faster! I’m so glad you updated. You’re in my thoughts!!

  24. I pray that you’ll be on the at-home dialysis ASAP and that you’ll find a new kidney even faster! I’m so glad you updated. You’re in my thoughts!!

  25. I pray that you’ll be on the at-home dialysis ASAP and that you’ll find a new kidney even faster! I’m so glad you updated. You’re in my thoughts!!

  26. Hi Lizz, I have been thinking about you a lot, and you are in my prayers. I am sorry that this has happened, and I pray that you get a new kidney very soon.

    When I was in end stage renal failure you were really there for me. I didn’t know what I was in for, and you were so nice to take the time to share your experiences with me, and allow me to vent about not being well at that time. I just want to thank you, and tell you that I am here if you need me.

    Feel free to email me at any time (

    Take care! P.S. Max is so, so cute!!


  27. I’m so sorry to hear about this. The first thing that went through my mind was, “I wonder if I would be a match because she can have one of mine.” Unfortunately, the next thought was that my kidneys are pretty shot and not suitable for transplant since they are barely suitable for my own use. :o( I hope that you are able to find a match sooner rather than later.

    Stay strong, and give that fantastically adorable baby was squeeze and kiss for me!

    Jen (aka onecreativejen at 2peas)

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