Reverb10 – Party

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December 9 – Party. What social gathering rocked your socks off in 2010? Describe the people, music, food, drink, clothes, shenanigans.

When I first read the prompt, I immediately thought, “Awww, too bad we got married in 2006! That was a great party!” and couldn't think of any parties we'd been to this year… and then I started thinking a little harder; we *totally* went to parties this year! We went to a fancy black tie wedding, threw Max's second birthday party, and went to Laney's baby shower, Faith and Josie's birthdays, *my* birthday (the 4th of July; always a party!), we took Max to Ashleigh's Build-a-Bear birthday party (his first)
We had lots of parties with friends and family and a few that were just us; puddle stomping on a stormy afternoon, the World Series parade… lots of fun with just us, fun that totally qualifies as party like!
But I want to talk about a specific party, which just so happens to be the last one we went to.
We have this group of friends who are all super-artistic and creative and musical and amazing. Every time we see them, we talk in the car ride home about how we don't see them often enough. Oh, and they throw *awesome* parties**.
This year, it was for Ray's birthday, which was a Mad Men inspired, Dean Martin Friar's Club style roast and cocktail party, complete with bartender and table service, a jazz trio and very funny emcee.
As we watched one person after the other giving Ray a hard time about everything from his toenails to his writing skills, we also watched every single person say these mean-on-the-outside but overflowing with love things. And laughed our asses off.
We drank a *lot* of gin, ate hot dogs (random, but appreciated! LOL), reconnected with friends, and enjoyed the unseasonably gorgeous November evening.
I loved the excuse to break out one of my favorite vintage dresses, and for Jamie to wear a suit and tie with fedora, and I can't wait to see what next year's parties bring!

**A listing of some previous parties, which I'm mostly including to see how many I can remember! Karnival of Kings I-IV (a porn-themed Halloween shindig), the Old Folks Party (with Activities Director), the Kiddie Party (complete with bounce house), the Jesus Christ Superstar party (for a birthday; renditions of the entire stage show), the viking barbarian movie filming and subsequent premier party (we actually missed the filming but were there for the premier), 4th of July jam session (with campfire and walk down to the water for fireworks), every Christmas evening, they host a gathering of friends, and I'm really looking forward to The Pickle's first birthday party, which is a Saturday morning themed party next week, on a Thursday night!)

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  1. Wow, I need to crash one of those parties, sounds like a blast. I learned that you are fun and have great friends.

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