Reverb10 – Ordinary Joy

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December 27 – Ordinary Joy Our most profound joy is often experienced during ordinary moments. What was one of your most joyful ordinary moments this year?

I can't choose one.
Like I find myself saying so often, I have a 2.5 year old son… my life is *filled* with moments of ordinary joy, and I'm thankful that I've gotten to where I can realize and appreciate them as they happen.
Max really started talking this year; the transition from “Wuv-oo” in response to my telling him I love him, to the current, which involves him putting his little hands on both sides of my face, looking into my eyes and saying “I love you, Mommy, sooooo much! You're the best mommy ever!” followed by a sweet kiss… that's more than ordinary joy.
In my book, that's pretty stinkin' extraordinary.

This blog entry documents just some of the moments… so does this one, this one, this one and this one. All of these things are just some of the “ordinary moments” that stole my heart this year.

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