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Stealing the title from my sister, it stands for “Random Acts of Cuteness” and I'll use this catergory to record the little things I want to remember.
The couple of specific things that Max has started doing lately that inspired me to start this…

  • We've started putting him to bed without a bottle to put him to sleep; I wrap him up in his blanket that Auntie Wendy made to rock him to sleep… he tucks the corner of the blanket into his mouth to fall asleep… he does the same thing with whatever toy he happens to have if he falls asleep in the car as well.
  • He apparently forgets that he has opposeable thumbs and will carry things (toys etc) in his mouth while he crawls from point A to point B… he looks like a puppy!
  • He dances! When he's standing at his music table, he bops along to the music… and has a specific move that my mom calls his ballet… he sticks his right leg (always the right now!) straight out behind him and balances! It's not just impressive, it's adorable!
  • His goto self-soothing action is to “blub” his lip… you know, where you kind of hum and flip your bottom lip with a finger, so it goes “blub blub blub”
  • In the RAoNSC (Random Acts of Not So Cute) he is practicing using his new teeth on his crib rail and our coffee table.

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  1. Okay and I thought it was just my 9 month old Graddaughter that did the carry things in the mouth like a puppy while crawling around…. He's so big now Liz…such a cutie.

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