Hey, at least it’s still the same season as his birthday!

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(Assuming I get this posted today! LOL)
I just realized yesterday that I never posted Max's birthday party post, so better late than never, right?

This year, we decided to work his birthday party around the March of Dimes annual March for Babies fundraiser, setting up a team for the walk and then hosting a picnic in the park afterwards.

We had a great group, and are looking forward to having an even bigger team next year!

The morning got off to a slightly rough start, when we left the fresh-baked cupcakes (36 of them!) on the roof of the car! Yeah, we have a roof rack, but if you want it to work you actually have to *attach* stuff to it! Fortunately, we were able to laugh about it, and Dave and Ann Marie came to rescue by stopping at Whole Foods and picking up a bunch of cupcakes!

Here are some photos from the walk… we were all too busy hanging out to grab the camera during the party!

Oh, and we spent Max's actual birthday more low-key at home; my sister and her family came over for a Mexican food picnic, and then all the local grands and Jane and Austin came over for BBQ dinner and cupcakes. We had a great day!
We got Max a Skuut Balance Bike for his gift; as soon as he saw it, he yelled “Biiiiike!” and ran over to it, trying to get hi leg over it… he was great about it, until we made it move! LOL

We've got time. You'll also notice the Skuut logo is upside down; if you build the bike like this, it lowers it an inch or two; we'll check it again at the end of the summer and see if he's grown enough to move it to right-side up.

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