Good days and bad days

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Something I've already learned as a preemie mom… there are good days, and there are bad days, and there are in between days. We've been incredibly blessed in that we've only seen good days thus far.

The exciting news of today is that Max's bloated belly is due to an air bubble, not impacted poop, so he just needs a good fart to get things back to “regular” He received and digested 2 whole feedings today, so he'll soon be on his way, gaining weight and growing like the proverbial weed. (Which is good, because I'm not very good with actual houseplants!)

So we get a call every morning from the doctor (she's amazing and I couldn't have special ordered a better person to take care of our Max) and she updates us for the day, after she's made her rounds.

He's still the littlest guy in the room, making up for size with charm, he is almost back up to his birth weight, and is now at 2 lbs 2 oz, and his breathing is awesome.

But really, today wasn't a good day…

It was The Best Day.

(I got to hold my baby for the first time)

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  1. OH man, you made me cry. I had a 33 weeker myself. And it was 26 hours after she was born that I was finally able to hold her. You’re absolutely right in that it was the BEST day. :::sniff:::

    That was 14 years ago last week.

  2. I will forever remember the sound of your voice when you called to tell me you were going to hold him. That occasion, I am sure is something you have dreamed about since pre-pg; even more so in the past 8 days. I will forever remember the feeling of holding Faith for the first time, and everyone should be able to feel that at least once in their lives. I’ve been so blessed to have shared, at least in part, the occasion with you. I love you guys!

  3. Congrats Lizz! What a beautiful baby boy you have! I am so relieved to hear you are feeling better. What a great moment holding Max for the first time, enjoy! Looking forward to hearing about more great moments ๐Ÿ™‚ Michelle

  4. Oh my goodness, I’m sitting here all teary eyes. I’m so glad you’re able to hold him now. Amazing. <3

  5. Yay for Lizz and Max!!! I am so happy for you! The first time really is the BEST TIME! Those photos are great! Hugs to you!

  6. Congratulations Lizz!!! I am so happy for you and to see these beautiful pictures that I am literally shedding happy tears for you. You are amazing and I couldn’t be happier for you. He is a precious, beautiful little boy.

    Sending lots of LOVE and (((HUGS)))

  7. What a beautiful photo. I remember well the first time I got to hold my tiny precious boys. It’s a feeling you never forget. I am glad he is doing so well and that you got to hold him, it makes you finally feel like a real mommy and not just a visitor.

  8. I’ve been following your blog closely (as I’m about 5 days behind you pregnancy wise) and I’m so happy that you have such a great outcome from such a scary condition. More people than you realize are rooting for you and Max!!


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