Going Blue for Suicide Prevention

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I'm one of the lucky ones.

In my conscious memory, I have not lost anyone I love to suicide.
People that I love, have lost people they love, but I personally am lucky.

Because I'd like to keep it that way for myself and countless others, I'm going blue.

One of the most incredible women I met at BlogHer was Cristi, voice of Motherhood Unadorned and a passionate mental health advocate. I had some heartfelt conversations with Christi over our couple of days, and she will be someone I consider a friend for the rest of my life.

Well, she recently posted that she was going blue. She is participating in the “Out of the Darkness” fundraising walk for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and if she reaches her fundraising goal, she'll dye her hair blue. (Personally, I think she'd be gorgeous no matter what color her hair, but blue is pretty dramatic, right?)

As we were talking about it on Twitter one night, I offered to go blue as well… I can't do my whole head, because I have a daytime office job and all, but I will absolutely offer up my streak/chunk to support the cause!

It soon grew to include several of us, including Robin from Farewell, Stranger, Jenna (@frelle), (both dear friends from BlogHer) and a real life friend of Cristi's, Brian.

So, how can you help? I just know you're dying to find out!

There are a couple of ways… Cristi's personal fundraising page is here.
Since I'm SURE we'll hit her personal $1500 goal, you can also donate at Cristi's team page, which is here.
Jenna, who I mentioned above and will go blue as well, is also walking in her local walk, so you can support her here.
Just click on the link to donate! It's 100% tax deductible, and every penny is appreciated.

Want some input on just what shade of blue I go with? Leave a comment letting me know that you donated (even if it's just a dollar!) and tell me what shade you'd prefer… Navy? Or turquoise? Royal? Depending on how many votes, I'll either pick a random number or I'll take the shade that gets the most votes.

So can you help us go blue to help prevent suicide?

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  1. You are so fabulous for jumping on board and getting blue! I seriously teared up when I read this post. Thank you. xoxo

  2. that's amazing, WOW…you are doing such a fantastic thing. What color blue are you doing? One that matches your blog would be awesome ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I like turquoise. You know if you're gonna do it might as well go with something sassy!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Thanks for linking up today and posting the button!! xo

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