#FMSPhotoaDay – February 8-14

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I've been taking my photos, just keep forgetting to post them!
Also, because I've been so busy, I'm going about this challenge a little differently… using my DSLR, I'm not worrying about getting a specific shot on a specific day. This is about getting great shots, not when they're taken!
So without further adieu, here's week 2 of my following along with Fat Mum Slim's Photo a Day challenge!
8 of 28

9 of 28

10 of 28

11 of 28

12 of 28

13 of 28

14 of 28

* Disclaimers: 8) Same as his Thursday #252, but it was the cutest in the bunch by FAR. 10) It's fake. 14) Yes, Jamie really cleaned the house as part of my Valentine's Day gift; he moved the furniture to vacuum and everything! Love him.

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    1. Thanks! It feels really good to be shooting for “real” again!
      And of course I’ll never argue Max’s handsomeness with anyone! <3

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