Florida 09
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Well, here it is! The Florida Adventure recap! We took lots of photos, so I'll let them do most of the “talking” and just jump in to set up the photos… enjoy!
(The photo above is the reason for our trip! Four generations in a single shot! Yay!)
Upon landing in Fort Meyers, the first order of business upon arrival? Quick phone calls home, where the daddies were all waiting to hear that we'd landed safe and sound! (Faith was so excited to talk on my purple phone!) It was nearly midnight local time, so we picked up the minivan (a red one; Faith's choice) and headed home to Grammy's.
This was a low-key trip; not jam packed with activities or anything… Grammy, who will be 85 next month, just had hip replacement surgery last month, so she's still on the mend, using a walker to get around (although she hates it and “forgets” it often!) We did lots of visiting, both with each other and the swimming pool! Max took right to the water; his first time in anything other than a bathrub, and he was a champ! Faith was a little harder to convince, but she got there! The 80 degree water certainly doesn't hurt, so it'll be interesting to take Max for his first dip in the chillier water at home!
It's exhausting, all that fun! He hasn't slept on me like this is ages… made me realize how much he's grown, and how quickly time really does fly…
Katie, Faith, Nana, Max and I made the trip into Naples for breakfast one morning, and we found what might be the coolest park ever! It had 3 different areas for kids of different ages, a castle theme for the climbing structure, shade cloth hung where the trees didn't cover… the only thing missing were those cooling misters like they have in line at amusement parks!
As a bonus, Max's first time on a swing!You know those brick places sell now as fundraisers? Get your name on a brick? Well, this playground is made up of boards with names on them! Such a cool idea! I can totally imagine these kids coming back years from now (or maybe they already do!) to point their own names out to their children…
We took advantage of the handicapped accessible swing and put both kids in it… too cute, right?
Oh, how I wish I could read Max's mind when I see a picture like this:
We couldn't go all the way to Florida and not hit the beach, so we headed on over! It was warm and sunny and WINDY WINDY WINDY! The water was toasty warm, I just wish it hadn't been so hard to do anything, with the wind (and a 1 year old who was shoveling handfuls of sand into his mouth just as fast as he could!)
And a random assortment of pics… think they're pretty self explanatory…
Gorgeous sunsets!
I don't remember what they were singing, but I'd put money on it being an old Girl Scout camp song!
Faith took right to Mickey, Steve and Nettie's Min Pin… the only thing? She kept calling him “Minnie” instead! LOL
Max looks so big, sitting on tiny Grammy!
The view from Grammy's lanai, overlooking the first tee:
Faith, the world's most precise 2 year old, eating a soft serve cone about 93% of the way before getting a drop on herself! And then? Meltdown.
Looking back from on the golf course… that's Grammy's house on the left, Uncle Steve's on the right… a great little setup for everyone involved!
Humming “I wanna hold you haaaaand… I wanna hold your hand”
Faith's “flingamango” glasses
I just think Katie looks really pretty in this picture, so I'm posting it in the hopes that she won't kill me for the next one!
Her “Angry Mom Face”
The trip was full of firsts for Max… first plane ride, first time in another state, another time zone, first time meeting Grammy, first swimming (pool AND ocean) and first big boy bath in the big tub! Faith invited Max to join her, and he LOVED it! I think it'll be much easier to keep him clean, knowing how much he loves the bath!A Nana's gotta do what a Nana's gotta do, when it comes to entertaining Faithie at the tail end of a very long trip!
So I think that's it! I'm going to try and go back and add to this, but I wanted to get *something* up before I got any more harassing emails *ahem* looking for an update! I've also been scrapping, so those will be up soon, and Thursday is just around the corner, so a new photo is on its way! (I'm hoping to get Max to show off his teeth! There are now SIX of them visible to the nekkid eye!)
Lizz you look really great! Looks like fun was had by all in Florida.
Wowza, you got some great photos. Max looks so happy on the beach, definitely a California boy.