Cue “We are the Champions” #SFGiants

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Well, our guys did it again.

On Monday night, the San Francisco Giants completed a four game SWEEP to beat the Detroit Tigers and WIN THE WORLD SERIES!

It doesn't feel the same as 2010, because it isn't. Wilson's been out for basically the entire season, Zito has been pretty amazing when it counted, Blanco and his crazy “I can catch anything” attitude, Brandon Crawford's lifelong dream, Sergio Romo's love of the game, and Panda. Oh, Panda.

One thing that didn't change was the torture; the nail biting ninths, the hold-your-breath-until-it-goes-over-the-wall homers. And did I mention the sweep?

We complain talk a lot about the “East Coast Bias” in the nework coverage; where Joe Buck is saying that “Verlander's pitch was exactly what he wanted to do,” even as the ball sails over the wall AGAIN. We see an attempted hit by Prince Fielder chosen as the “play of the game,” even though it didn't result in a run. But you know how we overcome the bias? By sheer will.

Even the commentators talk about us; the San Francisco fans. We're the loudest, the best, the greatest fans in baseball. We sing and clap along, we dance, we rock out and have as much fun as humanly possible. And our team repays the favor by having as much fun out there as they can, and winning it all along the way.

I asked some of my Facebook friends to share their favorite photos, so here they are; because this win belongs to all of us.

The lifelong fans, and the bandwagoners. The scorekeepers, the rally cap wearers. The girls night out-ers, the family celebrations. From baby's first games to the “I've been a fan since New York”-ers. The season ticket holders, the only watch on TV fans. The tattoo sporters, the long distance watchers. The orange in a sea of blue, the cheer for our guys; never boo your own team-ers. The people on Kiss Cam, the people who hate it. The ones who celebrate with French champagne, the ones who celebrate with the Champagne of Beers. The tall ones, the short ones, the loud ones, the quiet ones. We are all fans, and together, we are Giant.

ETA: Ashkon, who did the amazing 2010's “Don't Stop Believin” Giants version, has released a new song for 2012, and I'm completely in love with it! It's SO good!

Huge thanks to my friends who are willing to provide me with blog content: Lisa, Jane and her LB 128 & 129 family, Mary, Joann, Kelly, Adria, Jocelyn, Janet, Pam, Ian, another Kelly, Bryan, Beth, Debby, Dan, Robin, Allison, Kristin, and Jon!

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  1. Wasn’t it Awesome!! I think our Giants are the best players in the world–they seem so down to earth.

    I love following your blog, so I have tagged you in the Sunshine Blogger Award on my page…if you want to play along please see my post (I promise, I am not spam!)

  2. Congrats to the Giants!! They deserved to be World Series Champs. Very good team!!

    Actually, there is a media bias …. but in my opinion it’s the New York area (including Boston) and the Los Angeles area ….. Detroit is in the mid-west and, and like Cleveland we get ZERO respect from the media. Joe Buck must have had a relative listening from Detroit those days, because, again in my opinion … he’s a true Yankee “homer” … and not the over the wall type.

    If there was an East coast bias …. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Atlanta and Miami would also get more respect …. and they don’t. (When Philly won a few years ago, the media HATED coming there, even though they are only 90 miles from their beloved NY)

    “Sandy” kinda ruined the last 2 games for many in Eastern half of the country …… our focus was in the Atlantic.

    Love the pic’s of your son …. great stuff.

    DAP @ My2ndHeartBeat

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