Chicken and Roasted Vegetable Pot Pie


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In a perfect world, I'd have fresh, antibiotic-free, locally raised chicken magically appear on my front step every time I wanted to make dinner. While this world isn't a perfect one, I know I’m at least able to count on Foster Farms Simply Raised chicken to meet this criteria (aside from the magical appearance on my front step). Thanks to them for sponsoring this post.
Simply Raised Chicken

Foster Farms Simply Raised chicken is always antibiotic-free, raised here on the West Coast, and is fed a vegetarian diet, making it a high quality product with the convenience of being available at my local grocery store. Foster Farms is committed to quality, which is evident in its definition of the New Comfort Food: dishes that are made with fresh, local, high-quality ingredients and that are easy to prepare. Comfort foods don't have to be heavy or swimming in cheese to be delicious. Chicken is an amazing base protein for so many dishes; did you know that more Pinterest Pins feature chicken than eggs, peanut butter and beef combined? Craziness.

This was the perfect excuse for me to update one of my all-time favorites, chicken pot pie. Loaded with fresh roasted vegetables, it's a bright and delicious update to a classic.

Instant Pot Chicken and Veggie Pot Pie

Chicken & Vegetable Pot Pie
Simply Raised with Ingredients

1.5 lbs Foster Farms Simply Raised Chicken breasts
2 Sweet Potatoes, peeled and cubed
3 Carrots, peeled and sliced
3 Zucchini, sliced
3 Bell Peppers, diced
1/2 Onion, diced
4 Cups Chicken Broth
1 Cup Milk
1/4 Cup AP Flour
1 Can Large Sized Biscuits
Salt & Pepper to taste

Roast Vegetables
roasted veg

  • Peel & dice sweet potatoes and carrots, place on foil-lined baking sheet.
  • Roast at 350 for 15 minutes
  • Chop zucchini and salt it to draw out moisture
  • Add zucchini to semi-roasted sweet potatoes and carrots, roast 20 more minutes
  • When done, set veg aside to cool

Prepare Chicken
chicken and onion in ip

  • Dice onion and place in Instant Pot, set to Saute to start cooking.
  • Place chicken breasts on top of onion
  • Add 4 cups chicken broth
  • Set high pressure for 25 minutes, seal Instant Pot
  • When timer is up, allow Natural Release for 15 minutes
  • Combine for filling
    Soup state in IP
  • Remove cooked chicken from pot, add diced bell peppers, turn Instant Pot onto sauté, bring to simmer
  • In separate cup, combine 1 c milk and 1/4 c AP flour to make a roux
  • Dice or shred chicken and return to pot (I find it falls apart beautifully, so I shred into large chunks)
    Shredded chicken
  • Add roasted vegetables to Instant Pot, bring everything to a boil.
  • Add roux and mix well, liquid will thicken slightly.

Assemble Pot Pies
Loaded before liqud

  • Use a slotted spoon to fill ramekins with the good stuff, add liquid on top.
    Ready for biscuit
  • Place one canned biscuit on top of filling
    Pot pie raw biscuit on top
  • Place individual ramekins on baking sheet if needed
  • Bake as directed on biscuit container (I added a couple of minutes)
    Finished Pot Pie Horiz
    Finished Pot Pies VertPot Pie minus bite

Dig in and Enjoy!

I had the immense pleasure of attending a lunch event recently with Foster Farms, where we heard Foster Farms historian (yes, really) Ira Brill and Chef Dean Rucker discuss this shift towards “New Comfort Food” as food trends evolve over time, tastes change and people are more cognizant about what they are putting into their bodies.
3 new comfort dishes
square table settingPeople are more adventurous now than in generations past, Sriracha is practically a staple condiment, and pho shops are popping up everywhere.

The New Comfort Food is fresher and healthier than was typical in the past; simple recipes with the highest quality ingredients win the day. Foster Farms Simply Raised is a testament to this; the chicken is raised with no antibiotics ever, is fed a 100% vegetarian diet, is American Humane Certified, and contains no added hormones or steroids. This chicken is of the highest quality, and is the perfect base for all the dishes you and your family love most.
party spread

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Foster Farms Simply Raised Chicken.



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